Another week down! Even though this week wasn't perfect, I did my best. I may not have great mileage, but I did set a record for my coldest run ever. And then I promptly joined a gym.
Monday: Spin class! I had plans to go with a good friend, and when she let me know she'd double booked I almost backed out. Lucky for me, Harness Cycle is smart and requires you to cancel the day before to get your money back. Since I'm cheaper than I am lazy, I headed off to get my butt kicked, and it was wonderful!
Tuesday: The dreaded speedwork. When I looked at the weather in the morning, I realized it was one of those weird days where it was just going to get colder and colder, so there was no reason to wait until the afternoon to head out. Then I turned on my computer, and somehow it was already noon. When I left it was 12 degrees with a windchill of zero. I warmed up the car, bundled up, and congratulated myself on being quite a bad ass. I hit the track for an abbreviated warm-up, then started on 12x400 in 2:03 with a 400 recovery jog in between. I made it through 10 before I was just TOO cold. My water bottle had frozen, and the half of the track where I ran into the wind was just unbearable. My splits were 2:03; 2:06; 1:59; 1:59; 2:03; 2:05; 2:02; 1:59; 2:00; 1:58. In total, I only covered 5 miles due to cutting the workout short. By the time I quit, the windchill had dropped to -2 and I have never been happier to get into a hot shower.
Wednesday: I was still thinking maybe I could get through this winter without joining a gym, and set out for an easy three miles. I got it done, with an average pace of 10:30.
Thursday: Another cold day! I woke up and couldn't stand the thought of running outside, so I just made delicious giant chocolate chip cookies and called it a day. Not regretting that decision one bit.
Friday: I finally sort of joined a gym. I still am not ready to take the plunge on a monthly membership, but I got a punch card with 5 visits, so at least I will have access to a treadmill! Unfortunately, it didn't change the fact that I still dislike the treadmill. I managed to get a one mile warm up in, then three tempo miles at 9:09. Missing one more tempo mile and the cool down, but at least I got something in! Next time I'm going to bring B's ipad and see if watching tv makes things more bearable.
Saturday: Nada! I spent all day with 35 high schoolers on an overnight orientation. It snowed and snowed and snowed, and was so pretty! I think I got my workout in trying to keep up with them all weekend.
Sunday: Spin class with a friend! I didn't get home from the mid-year orientations and a training until around 3 pm. I was so pleased that Arleigh had already asked me to go to spin, because without a friend-date, I definitely would have ended up on the couch, wine in hand, for the rest of the day.
This week:
Monday - speedwork. 8x600 @ 3:03 w/ 400 recovery jogs. Based on the amount of snow outside, this is going to have to be on the treadmill.
Tuesday - rest.
Wednesday - 4 mile tempo run + spin.
Thursday - easy 3 miles
Friday - easy 4 miles
Saturday - 5 miles
Sunday - rest.
How did your weeks go? Is this weather making things hard on anyone else?
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