Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February :: I Choose

Goals are tricky. I love the motivation, but for me, its all too easy to slip a little, miss one day or one week, and just give up. Its hard for me to find the balance between setting goals that are specific enough and making them so rigid that I feel defeated if they aren't done perfectly.

It may seem silly, but rephrasing how I think about goals makes a huge difference. So for 2014, I decided to pick "choose" as my word of the year. Word choice is a powerful thing. The difference between "I have to" and "I choose" is immense, and provides me with a daily reminder that my life is a sum of  my priorities and my choices. At this point in my life, there is very little that I actually have to do. I don't have to do the dishes, I choose to do them because I feel better when the kitchen is clean. With limited time and energy, I choose to be intentional and prioritize the actions that make me feel fulfilled.

So, in the shortest month of the year...

I Choose

to run 60 miles. and to keep running, even if it doesn't look like I'm going to hit that goal.

to take more pictures.

to continue with market mondays.

to bake a loaf of bread.

to set a date to go see my brand new nephews.

to keep reading.

to send cards and packages to good friends.

to finally unpack and organize upstairs.

to finish my quilt.

to stop complaining about the weather.

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